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Parent Suportal

Dedicated platform for parents of children with disabilities, providing much-needed support and resources.


One million children in the UK are disabled, and the current ‘system’ is a mess. No one is coordinating information or resources and preparing families for the turbulent journey ahead. The families with the least voice receive the least resources. 69% of families never receive any support (Disabled Children’s Partnerships, 2019).


Parent Suportal’s platform will consist of an online community (Mumsnet for disability), a bespoke and comprehensive information directory and a curated online shop. We will be the trusted partner of every disabled family, helping them through all milestones from aged 0-25 years.


  • Sam Tebb – Founder
  • Sara O’Donnell – CIO
  • Simon Mohoalali – CTO

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Parent Supportal has ceased trading.