Attollo Lingerie
Lingerie for fuller-bust women that is more stylish, beautiful, and confident.
9.1 million women in the UK are D+ and market research has shown that 81 per cent of them do not like bras available in their sizes and 52 per cent do not like being fitted for a bra in a store environment. Lingerie available for D+ women is frumpy, beige and matronly, making these women feel self-conscious and unstylish.
Attollo’s range is co-designed with customers, putting their needs at the forefront of the design process, revolutionising the way our lingerie is made and giving D+ women lingerie that they are finally excited to wear. Tailored to our small band, large cup niche, our bras give unrivaled uplift.
- Fleurette Mulcahy – Co-Founder & Director
- Alice Holden – Co-Founder
UN Sustainable Development Goals

Attollo Lingerie has ceased trading.